高举四指是什么意思 (TikTok)

高举四指是什么意思 (TikTok)
Elmer Harper

很多人都把一个做着四角朝上手势的少年(在备忘录中被称为 "野兽男孩")的绿色图像和经过 Photoshop 处理的图像称为《少年泰坦》中的 "野兽男孩"。

See_also: 肢体语言 侧向拥抱(单臂伸展)

举起 4 个手指是什么意思

这张照片经常被转贴,并成为了一个流行语,经常被用来开玩笑。 这张未经编辑的照片最初是什么时候上传的,目前还不得而知,但该照片的首次转贴是在 2022 年 4 月 4 日发布到 Instagram 上的。 这张写有 "二加二等于四 "的手部四根手指的照片是 2022 年浏览量最高的照片。 它被用来证明大多数人都无法回答 2+2 的问题正确。

See_also: 以 N 开头的情话(附释义)


推特账户 SunX5 在一个月内分享了一张类似野兽男孩的绿色图片,并获得了 5500 个赞。 在推特和 Instagram 上的传播让这一流行语迅速走红。

在该备忘录的早期历史中,这些标题都以 "少年泰坦 "中的人物做的事情或对数字 "4 "表达的热情为主题。 其中一个标题是 "两个四比一个好",在几乎所有推广该图片的备忘录中都重复出现过,包括那些以 "4 "为主题的备忘录。

TikTok 时间轴。

该备忘录的流行最终传到了 TikTok 上,用户制作视频并发布到该平台上,视频中的人物被要求展示一个数字,然后举起相应数量的手指做出与该数字相对应的手势。

6 月 15 日是野兽男孩备忘录最热闹的一天。 这段视频在 24 小时内被分享了 47.4 万次。 就在同一天,同一人制作的另一段视频也被分享了约 68.4 万次。 TikToc 上的备忘录链接可在这里找到。


竖起 4 根手指的含义还有其他一些含义,这取决于具体情况。 我们希望您已经找到了备忘录或含义的答案。 感谢您的阅读。

Elmer Harper
Elmer Harper
Jeremy Cruz, also known by his pen name Elmer Harper, is a passionate writer and body language enthusiast. With a background in psychology, Jeremy has always been fascinated by the unspoken language and subtle cues that govern human interactions. Growing up in a diverse community, where non-verbal communication played a vital role, Jeremy's curiosity about body language started at an early age.After completing his degree in psychology, Jeremy embarked on a journey to understand the intricacies of body language in various social and professional contexts. He attended numerous workshops, seminars, and specialized training programs to master the art of decoding gestures, facial expressions, and postures.Through his blog, Jeremy aims to share his knowledge and insights with a wide audience to help improve their communication skills and enhance their understanding of non-verbal cues. He covers a broad range of topics, including body language in relationships, business, and everyday interactions.Jeremy's writing style is engaging and informative, as he combines his expertise with real-life examples and practical tips. His ability to break down complex concepts into easily understood terms empowers readers to become more effective communicators, both in personal and professional settings.When he's not writing or researching, Jeremy enjoys traveling to different countries toexperience diverse cultures and observe how body language manifests in various societies. He believes that understanding and embracing different non-verbal cues can foster empathy, strengthen connections, and bridge cultural gaps.With his commitment to helping others communicate more effectively and his expertise in body language, Jeremy Cruz, a.k.a. Elmer Harper, continues to influence and inspire readers worldwide on their journey towards mastering the unspoken language of human interaction.